3 Different Methods of Marketing Worth Trying

There are countless marketing methods out there that have been overused. Many businesses research the top five methods and implement them into their marketing management. This is a good idea but does not help your business stand out from the crowds. Here are three different methods of marketing that are worth trying to help your business stand out.
- Business Cards
This is an old marketing technique, and one that people are forgetting now that the world has made the move to digital marketing. However, there are plenty of reasons and opportunities for you to use business cards to market your business. You can use an online business card template site to create your personalised cards.
You never know who you are going to meet on a day. It might be that you meet a celebrity who wants to endorse your business, or an interested mum in the school playground who wants to know more about your bath salt business. When you have a business card ready in your wallet, you come across as professional and you give them something to hold onto. This makes an interested party far more likely to link with your business as they have a tangible asset with which to do so.
Business cards should contain all the information that someone needs to find your business. This means name, contact details, social thumbnails and QR codes in today’s world. If you want traffic to be driven to your website, include a QR code for it. If you would rather they passed through your Etsy or Instagram then get a QR for this. There are sites which you can use to get a QR code for any website for free. Click here for more info.
- Reviews
Focusing marketing on reviews can seem counter-intuitive, especially if you are worried about negative reviews or haven’t sold enough stock to warrant it yet. However, current research shows that many customers view reviews before using a new business.
Reviews can be about the whole of your business or a specific product review. Here we are speaking about product reviews. These can come from several avenues which are as follows:
Articles – Content articles that have reviews of your product can be a great way to get your target audience interested in what you offer. You can write them yourself or hire out the work via. Freelance sites. A product review article can be an in-depth review of one product or, alternatively it can be a comparison review of several different products that are on the market. In the review, you can add links to your website and direct links to the product purchase page. This is a brilliant way or generating sales.
Review Sites – there are many sites that you can join that review products. Some are paid subscriptions so be careful that what you are signing up for is worth your money. Check testimonials on the sites and see which other businesses are reviewed. We suggest that if you do subscribe to one of these sites that you do so on a limited-time basis so that you can analyze how well they drive traffic your way. Always research the other businesses on the site to ensure that your target audience will be using that specific review site.

- Small-Time Vloggers
Most businesses try to get in with the bigger vloggers when they want someone to advertise their product. This can be the perfect way of gaining more views and interested parties. However, it can also mean that you are up against a lot of competition and prices are high. When you use small-time vloggers to market your products, you could be onto a real gold rush. They are often less likely to have other businesses approaching them and their viewers are friends and family, who want to support them. In supporting them, they buy your product.
There are many marketing methods that other businesses are not yet aware of. When you think creatively and push your business in the directions that many have not trod yet, you might find that you do very well with your marketing. It is a gamble but if you don’t spend a lot of money then it could be a risk worth taking. It also does not mean that you have to diverge from the more common marketing practices, it adds another string to your marketing bow.